Archive for April, 2011

Chevy Beh in snow polo interviewed by Hong Kong Media

Friday, April 8th, 2011

Click the image above to go to the video site.

Chevy Beh representing University of Virginia (UVA) in Thailand.

Friday, April 8th, 2011

Chevy Beh representing University of Virginia (UVA) in Thailand.
UVA beat Cambridge university 8 – 4.5 in the quarter finals.

Garvy Beh competed in a 12 goals handicap tournament organized by Association Argentina Polo

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Garvy Beh spent his last spring break (March to April/2011) in Argentina to compete a 12 goals handicap tournament organized by Association Argentina Polo. He played for Polo One team as a two goal handicaps player together with both Argentines Matias Garrahan(4),Santi Zubiarre(4) and a two goal French, Corentine Le Pape. Polo One won the tournament at Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Unfortunately due to studies commitment, Garvy Beh missed to play the semi-final and final matches and was replaced by Alfonsito Pieres. (more…)