Archive for May 9th, 2011

Chevy Beh in Snow Polo featured in Wenweipo news

Monday, May 9th, 2011



刚在香港举办完毕的马拉松活动,参加人数又再打破纪录,这反映不少香港人都很喜欢运动,或者因为运动可以强身健体,而且只要明白个中乐趣,便会令人不能自拔。 ■文、摄(部分):曾家辉

笔者早前到天津欣赏了「高银环亚国际雪地马球挑战赛──环亚杯」。最初一听马球(polo),而且还是雪地马球(snow polo),笔者跟很多人一样立即联想到贵族玩意,一般人不可能参加。不过,看过这次比赛里球员骑着马,在雪地上驰骋,挥着球杆击球的英姿,以及明白马球这种运动的精神、发展等,甚至亲身参观了马房及马匹后,令人明白马球其实不是想像中那么遥不可及。当然,参观比赛跟成为马球员,甚至成为马主或组队,是两码子的事。

在二月中旬,天津环亚国际马球会举行了一连6天的雪地马球挑战赛,由职业球手组成的阿根廷队、英格兰队、法国队、新西兰队、澳大利亚队,以及香港高银队,一同竞逐「高银国际雪地马球挑战赛」桂冠。作为亚洲首届雪地马球挑战赛,每天设有两场比赛。但由于工作关系,笔者只能够参观首天的比赛,最后澳洲队3:6不敌阿根廷队,香港高银队9:5击败法国队。 (more…)

‘Chevy Beh in Snow polo’ tournament seeks to entice China’s elite featured in China National News

Monday, May 9th, 2011

TIANJIN // Asia’s first ever snow polo tournament, at China’s newest and largest polo club, with six top global teams, is promoting the luxury sport to the nation’s new and growing ranks of wealthy.

Though an early form of polo was once popular with China’s upper classes during the Tang dynasty more than 1,000 years ago, the sport of kings died out almost entirely until a recent surge of interest in foreign sports seen as being high class.

The first generations of new wealthy spawned by China’s economic reforms are likely to view golf, red wine and Ferrari as symbols of prestige, but many of the newer generation are looking for something more. (more…)